It is common for individuals traveling from the United States to South Africa to fly directly to Johannesburg. From Johannesburg, there are direct daily flights to Bulawayo and Victoria Falls.

It is essential for hunters to arrive in Bulawayo on the midday flight to allow for ample daylight hours to travel to their designated camps. The duration of the travel time varies, typically taking 2 to 4 hours, depending on the location and campsite.

It is highly recommended to seek the assistance of reputable travel agents, such as Gracy Travel International, based out of San Antonio, to arrange the entirety of the itinerary. These agents are well-informed about all formalities and regulations for hunters worldwide and provide a meet-and-greet service in Johannesburg. They also ensure that the luggage and weapons of their clients reach their final destination. It is imperative to have this service in Johannesburg. For more information, please visit their website

Note that some of the regional flights from Johannesburg to Bulawayo require a payment of $40 for weapons. Therefore, it is essential to confirm this detail with the travel agent beforehand.

Private air charters from Johannesburg to Zimbabwe can be organized; however, they tend to be more expensive. Individuals are advised to complete the US Customs form for travel from and return to the United States.


Upon arrival at the Bulawayo Airport, our guests are met and transferred to their accommodation at the camp. The transfer is facilitated either by a luxury van or an SUV, and the journey takes approximately 2 to 4 hours on good roads.
The cost of the return trip is $800 for one person, $1,000 for two people, and $1,100 for three or more people.

It is noteworthy that this fee is per vehicle and not per person. We can also arrange air charters upon request.


Upon arrival at the airport, guests are required to follow the Visa procedures. The Visa section requires a fee of $30 for the stamping of the Visa into their passports.
After that, the passport is stamped at the Immigration section. Therefore, it is crucial to complete the Zimbabwe Immigration Declaration Form before arrival to avoid delays.

The address for guests to fill in is:
Mazunga Safaris
8 Norfolk Road
Hillside, Bulawayo
Telephone: +263 29 224 1425

Upon arrival at the immigration checkpoint in Zimbabwe, travelers are required to wait for their luggage and undergo customs clearance. During the customs process, all firearms and ammunition will be inspected. It is imperative that travelers have their Zimbabwe Temporary Firearms Import Permit completed in triplicate with all firearm and ammunition details recorded. Upon inspection, customs officials will stamp the permit and return one copy to the traveler. This copy must be presented to customs officials upon departure from Zimbabwe.

After clearing customs, travelers should proceed to the arrivals area where a courier will be waiting to transfer them to their destination.

It should be noted that the only payment required upon arrival is the visa fee. Travelers should not allow officials to solicit payment for any additional services.

Zimbabwe’s firearm importation process is considered one of the simplest in Africa. Nonetheless, it is crucial that travelers follow the necessary steps and regulations to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.


According to Zimbabwean law, silencers and fully automatic weapons are illegal. We strongly recommend that all weapons be zeroed to a distance of 100 yards. Firearms with ultra-high velocity, such as Weatherby’s, are not recommended due to the short distances of most shots taken, which may result in the bullet veering off course if it clips a twig or grass. Please avoid bringing shiny weapons that reflect light, as they may attract unwanted attention.

Plains Game

For hunting plains game, we suggest using calibers in the range of 30.06 to 300 Win Mag, with a variable scope of at least 3 – 9 power. Shots at game are typically within 100 yards, so please bring 40 – 60 rounds of ammo.


For hunting leopard, we recommend using a 300 or 375 caliber rifle, with an average distance of shots ranging from 50 – 70 yards. A good light-gathering scope is also recommended. Please note that leopard hunting is conducted both during the day and at night, with only old males being hunted.


For hunting lion, we recommend using a 375-caliber rifle. Shots are typically taken at an average distance of 50 – 70 yards.


The legal minimum caliber for hunting buffalo is 375, and the use of both solids and soft nose ammunition may be necessary depending on the situation. Buffalo are extremely tough, but if the initial shot is well-placed, there should be no issues. Shots typically range from 15 – 70 yards, so please bring a box of solids for buffalo hunting.


The minimum legal caliber for hunting elephant is 375, although larger calibers are more suitable, and solid ammunition should be used. Shots are typically taken from 15 – 40 yards. Zimbabwe has a high population of elephants, estimated at around 100,000. However, there may be an excess of 50,000 elephants, which is unsustainable for the habitat.

Bird Shooting

Some areas offer excellent bird shooting opportunities. If you are interested in bird shooting, please bring your shotgun, and we can arrange for shells to be provided. Please note that ammunition prices in Zimbabwe are generally higher than in the United States.


If possible, please bring soft cases for your weapons while traveling in the hunting vehicle. Alternatively, you can arrange with your PH to have them available for your use.


If you do not have your own firearms, you can rent them on-site for $30/day + ammo. However, we strongly recommend bringing your own weapons.